Monday, April 16, 2007

Summer Time

Sarayat period is over and summer time is here, Im so bored of the routine I am day dreaming of my vacation already. This year I'm thinking of going somewhere I have never been to. How does a Safari sound ? ... I dont know I feel my life is adventure free! I need more adventure in my holiday I guess. Any suggestions ?...What was ur best vacation ?


eshda3wa said...

one of the most exoctic places i have ever been to was INDIA
a place called ooty and coodaicanal
not sure if the spelling
and sisrilanka was amazing too

but my absolutely fav place in the world is ITALY


India was rated the best honeymoon destination 2006! ...Italy is lovely I have always wanted to c Venice ..My favourite trip so far was to Mauritius Islands :)

Anonymous said...

London .. aahhhh

بوصالح said...

قد تكون رحلة غريبة لكنها جميلة

وصلنا مطار لندن هيثرو و أجرنا سيارة ميني .. إنتقلنا بها إلى فرنسا ثم سويسرا ثم النمسا ثم إيطاليا .. رجعنا بعدها إلا فرنسا ثم إلأ أسبانيا

كانت من أفضل الرحلات على الإطلاق .. رغم أني كنت بتلك الأمان من قبل إلى أن روعة القيادة في أوربا و السفر بحقيبة رياضية كانت تجربة لا تنسى

نصيحة .. إذا لم تكوني متزوجة لا تذهبي إلى البندقية .. لها طعم ثاني مع شريك العمر

مم عموماً إذا إحتجتي مغلومات عن السفاري يمكنني تزويدك بها

و عطلة سعيدة مقدماً


Thank u bo 9ali7 :) ...I'v always wanted to travel by car never did that :)

بوصالح said...

ليدنا رحلة هذا الصيف قد تكون أوربا في السيارة

أنت مرحب بكم إذا حابة تنظمين :)

Gloomy said...

first of all welcom to the blogger world :D

i think it would be nice if you went to taiwan or south africa :D

Emarket said...

How about some diving time ! or may be fishing trips . ya taking a journey by car is great , i did that many times , car , trains . during my study abroad , we took a car and went to germany , france , swiss, spain , and we really enjoyed it over 2 weeks .. u should try this walla

Mirror Polisher said...

What kind of adventure? The world is full of beautiful and exotic places. Each inch of mother earth has a story to tell. It's not important where you go but how you get there, who you go with, what you learn along the way.

Bon voyage :P


Well, Im really looking forward to a car trp through europe but unfortunately my husband isn't ...bas i'll get my way around that :D ..thank u all :X allah bless

Sara said...

hmmm an9i7ich fe serelankaa e5ty daymaan troo7 oo temda7haa 7eel .. oo south africa b3d :>

36la sa3eeda enshala